Windham Town Office Installs a System for the Future

Another municipal installation made possible by the federal energy tax incentive credit! The except below is from The Brattleboro Reformer in November 2023, see the link to read the full article about the Windham town office installation.

“A solar array was recently installed on the town office roof in Windham that will generate enough electricity to pay for the power in the town’s three buildings.

With an annual production of 20.76 MWh, the array will cover the electrical usage of the town office, the town garage, and the meeting house, including anticipated future heating changes from fossil fuels to green energy, according to a news release from the town.

Installed by Southern Vermont Solar, the solar array will be paid for with federal funds from the American Rescue Act Plan and a federal energy tax incentive credit. The ARPA funds, which are provided to promote recovery from COVID-19, allow for a variety of expenditures to benefit communities. The tax incentive specifically supports clean, renewable energy.”

Read the full article

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