The Guilford Church Goes Solar
At work on the rooftop. Photo by Guilford Church
Our collaborative project with the Guildford Church was featured in the Oct 18th, 2019 edition of the Brattleboro Reformer — we were thrilled to participate in this endeavor with the Guilford community, and many thanks to the Reformer for featuring our local business! Read the quotes below and see the full article in the link.
“Patty Meyer, the church administrator, acknowledges that members have driven by to check out the new panels and are, without exception, "proud we are walking our talk." She notes: "God said we are stewards of the Earth and I am so grateful to folks who contributed to our capital campaign that we were able to do this ... people come up the stairs, proud of the decision ... of the distinctive panels. It really sends the message that we take are taking bold steps toward energy conservation. We are forward looking, anticipating the future and the impact of our lives ... leaving the earth in a better place for our children."
“Victoria Roberts, co-owner of Southern Vermont Solar noted: "Making solar more accessible is part of our mission. The most robust federal government solar incentive, a game changer that allowed for rapid solar growth over the years, has been a 30 percent tax credit. While it has helped businesses and home owners afford solar, nonprofits and low income people have been excluded. Because of this frustrating conundrum, we were inspired to take some time to get financially creative with the church to make solar a reality. Helping a nonprofit to go solar, and one as impactful to our community as the Guilford Community Church, feels so right. I am proud of the church for making it a priority to go green, and am honored to be part of this eco-community collaboration."